Hope After Suicide Loss

Snowdrops – Symbol of Hope

Hope after Suicide Loss (HOPE) is a vital Suffolk based group that exists in order to meet the complex and very precise needs of suicide bereavement. They offer talking therapy with no time limits imposed, to overcome the isolation experienced by those bereaved by suicide. 
A peer-led organisation, all group meetings are always facilitated by a survivor who was once profoundly affected by suicide and can now bring HOPE to those still in shock and traumatised. Likewise, all one to one support is delivered by individuals, living in Suffolk who have gone through and experienced the unique challenges of suicide loss.  As the pandemic hit and the government introduced self-isolation, all HOPEs monthly group meetings were forced to stop immediately taking away that vital support network.  The group’s CEO, Suzy worked hard to quickly solve this, by successfully setting up a series of regular Skype meetings.  Every week throughout lockdown, survivors across the county have been able to join a mixed, ‘same loss’ or both groups, where they have been able to receive or continue to receive that much needed vital support.  The grant that HOPE received from Suffolk Community Foundation has been able to fund a full-time position of the CEO of the organisation, who is also the facilitator for all Skype meetings Suzy has worked tirelessly to continue offering the support of the group, moving it all online.  She has continued to provide a mental health service that constantly offers open ended support for those bereaved by suicide.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, anxiety and insomnia is common. During and as we ease out of lockdown, many survivors have found their mental health had deteriorated and needed extra support.  Sadly, it is highly likely suicide rates will have increased across the months of this pandemic, but this group continue to do all they can by offering specialised advice and support to all that reach out to them.

“We are extremely grateful for the funding we have received from Suffolk Community Foundation – it has been vital in helping our organisation continue during such challenging times.”

Suzy Clifford

Hope After Suicide Loss

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