Healthy Heart Fund

Grant Type Project costs
Current status Closed
Applications accepted from Social Enterprises? Yes
Maximum grant available £6,000
Grant opens Coming soon

Brief Description

Grants of up to £6,000 to help people live longer and healthier lives by preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Suffolk.


Funding from Suffolk County Council to help people live longer and healthier lives by preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Suffolk.


Projects should address at least one of the 4 themes:

  1. Increase the uptake of NHS Health Checks in high-risk groups.
  2. Support positive behaviour change following an NHS Health Check in high-risk groups e.g., awareness, access, and engagement with local/national prevention services to stop smoking, lose weight, reduce alcohol intake, increase physical activity.
  3. Increase awareness of CVD, the main risk factors and how to prevent CVD through improved communication with high-risk groups above 18 years of age.
  4. Increase engagement of high-risk groups in local services and local/national self-help resources to support with CVD prevention e.g. OneLife Suffolk.

Priority will be given to projects that address themes 1 and 2.

High-Risk Groups

All projects must address CVD prevention within at least one high-risk group, ideally (but not exclusively):

  • People living in more deprived areas
  • Males
  • Older adults
  • People from Minority Ethnic groups where CVD is more prevalent, notably South Asian and African or Caribbean
  • People who do not readily or easily access health services.

Priority will be given to those who are supporting these groups in deprived areas, particularly Ipswich, Lowestoft, Mildenhall, Newmarket or Haverhill, but the fund is open countywide.


  1. Clearly demonstrate how the proposed project will work towards increasing awareness and engagement of CVD prevention opportunities by addressing 1 of more of the 4 funding themes.
  2. Evidence how the proposed project will support at least one of the identified high-risk groups.
  3. The project’s target audience must be involved in the development of the project either pre- or post-application, through active participation (known as co-production). This must be evidenced.
  4. Clearly outline aims, objectives, outcomes, and include a timescale.
  5. Plan how the organisation will demonstrate impact and measure what changes have occurred as a result of the project.
  6. Take account of other work and partnerships in the area the project is seeking to work in.



  • What has been learnt E.g., barriers and solutions, what works well and what does not?
  • What has changed and how has it changed?
  • Case studies.
  • The number of people reached, and how many of them accessed an NHS Health Check or engaged in other lifestyle services.
  • Identifying volunteers who are keen to become Heart Health Champions within their community.
  • An interim report will be required 6 months after the start of the project but conversations will be held at 3 and 9 months with Suffolk Community Foundation and SCC.
  • An end of grant monitoring form will also be required.



Apply now (currently closed)